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Dit moet je gewoon even lezen

Dat kranten terrein aan het verliezen zijn ten opzichte van internet weten we al langer. De redenen hiervoor zijn legio, maar heel goed samengevat op de site van Tim Porter [1]:

Travis Smith, of Hop Studios [2], responds to yesterday’s [3] 10 reasons to read a newspaper with "Top 10 Reasons for Reading a News Site." He writes (my emphasis):

  1. My news site has never stained my clean shirt or my car seat.
  2. Anywhere I travel, my news site goes with me. It doesn’t pile up while I’m away.
  3. I can listen to my news site’s podcast while standing, while eating, while riding a bus, OR while I drive my car.
  4. If I read a story I like, I can send it to a friend without a stamp.
  5. My news site doesn’t just have sections — it’s customizable, and it shows my wife and I exactly what we’re interested, separately.
  6. I’ll give you the battery advantage. But my news site has each apartment listing with detailed descriptions, photos and a precise map. My newspaper says "Downtown, 2 bd/2 bt, 5 appl., ht & ht wtr, balc, d/i pool, n/p, n/s. $1200"
  7. My news site never gets stolen off my doorstep or delivered late. Or wet.
  8. My news site doesn’t need to be recycled.
  9. If my news site is makes a mistake, they correct the original story, and when I read that story later, I will see the corrected version. My newspaper may not be broken, but it could be wrong.
  10. I can read my news site in a light breeze.

He then adds one more: But I think the most important reason for reading a news site is this:

In the past ten years, my news site has gone from a tiny experiment to being the place I turn to for news and community. In the past ten years, my newspaper… well, how many people can say their newspaper has become more relevant, trustworthy and useful?

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